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  1. continued fractions (1)
  2. diophantine analysis (1)
  3. number theory (1)
  4. number theory -- diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [see also 11k60] -- continued fractions and generalizations [see also 11a55, 11k50] (1)
  5. number theory -- diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [see also 11k60] -- distribution modulo one [see also 11k06] (1)
  6. number theory -- diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [see also 11k60] -- inhomogeneous linear forms (1)
  7. number theory -- diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [see also 11k60] -- metric theory (1)
  8. number theory -- diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [see also 11k60] -- small fractional parts of polynomials and generalizations (1)
  9. number theory -- elementary number theory {for analogues in number fields, see 11r04} -- continued fractions {for approximation results, see 11j70} [see also 11k50, 30b70, 40a15] (1)
  10. number theory -- probabilistic theory: distribution modulo $1$; metric theory of algorithms -- diophantine approximation [see also 11jxx] (1)
  11. number theory -- probabilistic theory: distribution modulo $1$; metric theory of algorithms -- general theory of distribution modulo $1$ [see also 11j71] (1)
  12. number theory -- probabilistic theory: distribution modulo $1$; metric theory of algorithms -- irregularities of distribution, discrepancy [see also 11nxx] (1)
  13. number theory -- probabilistic theory: distribution modulo $1$; metric theory of algorithms -- metric theory of continued fractions [see also 11a55, 11j70] (1)


  1. 不在馆 (1)